Norsign are wayfinding specialists with vast experience across public and private sectors producing directional strategies and systems. We can work from floor plans or surveying existing buildings to produce a concise wayfinding document. In doing this we take away the pain point from architects and main contractors when this information is not already available.
There are four types of wayfinding signs, identification, directional, informational and regulatory. As standalone signs, they serve a specific role. As part of a larger wayfinding system, they inform each other and you of the next step of a journey.
- Directional signs: signs that help people figure out how to get where they’re going.
- Identification signs: signs that let you know ‘you are here’.
- Informational signs: signs that convey important information, such as warning signs or the availability of wi-fi.
- Regulatory signs: signs that inform you of rules such as “no parking”.

Good signage design is about communicating the right information clearly. Ultimately, this type of signage is to help guide people to where they need to be. Whether you need navigational signage in an office, commercial premises, hotel or hospital we will guide you through the process.
We work closely with you to design and install the right signage based on design and practical requirements. Signage should visually aid wayfinding and brand identity to enhance the built environment it’s placed in. You can trust our expertise to deliver high quality signage on your project on time, on budget and looking great. We have a ten step process we would love to discuss with you and how this can be applied to your project.
Contact us to discover more advantages of using our consultancy services.