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carbon capture

carbon capture scheme

Norsign Group Ltd are part of a Carbon Off Setting scheme which enables us to offset the carbon generated across some of our product range and plants new indigenous woodland in the UK.

The scheme is suitable for what would typically be printed plastic or aluminium panels used for site signs and building façade signage. It works by the purchase of credits, which are directly traceable to a woodland, providing us with a monthly certificate showing the amount of carbon we have balanced and the number of trees planted and area of land protected. The carbon calculations are credible, backed by the Government’s Woodland Carbon Code, and covers the complete production of our products.

the woodland we help

The Woodland linked to our participation in this scheme is a broadleaved and coniferous woodland planted on former arable land to the north-east of Kettering, Northamptonshire. Oak is planted as it already features prominently in the surrounding woodland. Conifers are planted to act as a ‘nurse crop’ to the oak, assisting growth. Our purchase of credits through the programme provides money for this woodland and others in the UK.

The credits generated by UK woodlands are certified under the UK Woodland Carbon Code. These are not part of any statutory Kyoto Protocol or international trading scheme. They are generated purely by voluntary buyers to use against their own or their customers’ local emissions in the UK.

Evidencing your green credentials as a business is vital in today’s market. Few client conversations will go by without the environment being a topic of conversation. Carbon offsetting is a great way to face in to that challenge.

How Do YOU Become A Zero Carbon Hero?

It’s simple! Just select any of our products that are eligible for the programme and you can offset each product’s emissions. Therefore balancing its carbon dioxide emissions to zero and becoming a sustainability Hero.

Since 2022 our purchase of materials through this scheme has enabled the capture of 19,624 kilogrammes of CO2e. To achieve this our credits meant 78 new trees have been planted creating a new woodland area of 495 square metres.

Helping you promote your green credentials.

Contact us to find our more about our Carbon Off Setting Scheme and Environmentally Friendly Products.

Sign Types

illuminated signage

Norsign Group Ltd are a leading signage Consultancy within the UK....

statutory signage

Norsign Group Ltd are a leading signage Consultancy within the UK....

ISO Certified

Norsign Group Ltd are a leading signage Consultancy within the UK....
head office

Block 14, First Road,
Blantyre Industrial Estate,
Glasgow, G72 0ND

01698 713399

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